Are your Pupil Numbers Down in Reception? Maximise the Potential of Your School Website

As a former headteacher in North Yorkshire who successfully increased pupil intake, I understand the challenges primary school leaders face, especially considering the lower intake trends we’ve seen in September 2024. Today, I’m sharing strategies that helped my previous school achieve a disproportionately high volume of applications, with over 50 as first choice, bucking the regional trend.

What is the National Picture?

According to DfE pupil projections (source NFER): “State primary pupil numbers peaked in 2018 (the 2018/19 academic year) and have been falling since then.”

  • From 2010 to 2019, there was a steady increase in pupil numbers in primary schools.
  • Between 2019 and 2024, there was a 1.9 per cent decline, representing around 85,000 fewer pupils.
  • Between 2024 and 2028, the number is projected to fall by around 4.5 per cent (205,000 pupils).

The Digital Front Door: Your School Website

In our digital age, your school website is often the first impression parents get. Like it or not, your school is being judged from the moment they land on your page. We know all about first impressions, and this is yours.

Here’s how to make it count:

  1. Clear Brand Identity: Ensure your website reflects your school’s values and mission. Use engaging language that resonates with your target audience.
  2. User-Friendly Design: Make navigation intuitive, especially on mobile devices. Remember, many parents (around 70%) browse on their phones during lunch breaks or after work hours.
  3. Comprehensive Information: Provide clear details about your curriculum, extracurricular activities, and what makes your school unique. Don’t forget to highlight your school’s wrap around care provision and pricing.
  4. Celebrate Your Achievements: Display high resolution images of the badges and awards you hold. Share Ofsted reports and performance data. Most of all, use testimonials. That’s what businesses do – and it works. Pick some dazzling quotes from your Ofsted report, but also give some pupil and parent/carer voice too.
  5. Engaging Visuals: Use high-quality photos and videos to showcase your school’s atmosphere. A picture truly is worth a thousand words when it comes to helping parents envision their child in your school. Show them happy, smart and engaged learners in a variety of settings and curriculum areas.
  6. Interactive Elements: Consider adding virtual tours or live chat options. These can be particularly helpful for families who can’t easily visit in person. Whilst a professional virtual tour is expensive, it gives you chance to prepare every area of your school and capture it at its best. Again, the research suggests they are VERY well used by prospective families.

One trend I’ve noticed recently, particularly in our North Yorkshire and North East schools, is the use of pop-ups when users land on the site. Often advertising open days, these pop-ups use forms to capture user information and register them for events. This approach shows the increasing urgency from school leaders to get prospective families into school and is much more targeted than strategies from a few years ago.

Beyond the Website: Integrated Digital Strategy

While your website is crucial, it shouldn’t stand alone:

  1. Social Media Integration: Use platforms like Instagram (or an Edu Blog) to share updates and student work. Facebook can also be great for promoting open days and answering parent questions. It’s best to survey families to find out what they are using, and what they would prefer the school uses.
  2. Easy Contact Options: Provide multiple ways for parents to reach you, including out-of-hours options like contact forms, voicemail inboxes or social media messaging.
  3. Community Outreach: Don’t wait for parents to come to you. Participate in community events and consider targeted local advertising to raise awareness. You’ll have to go beyond hanging a banner on your fence I’m afraid!

The Personal Touch

Remember, while digital strategies are important, nothing replaces the warmth of personal interaction. Ensure that when parents do visit, they experience the same welcoming atmosphere that your website promises. Tidy up and get the school at its best. I would take them on group tours of the school myself (and time it for when I knew pupils would be actively engaged in lessons). I even had my wellies ready by the back door to take them into the forest area. You’d be amazed how many parents/carers that small gesture stuck with!

Implementing These Strategies

Transforming your school’s digital presence might seem daunting, but the potential rewards in terms of admissions are significant. If you’re interested in learning more about how to successfully implement these strategies, keep an eye out for our upcoming webinar where we’ll dive deeper into these topics. Our website is a good place to find out more information about how we can help. Please call (01325 238831), email (contact@peopleseducationsolutions) or fill in a contact form if you have any further questions.

As someone who’s been in your shoes, I understand the unique challenges that primary school leaders in our region face. Whether you’re in a bustling town like Darlington or serving a more rural community in North Yorkshire, these strategies can be adapted to suit your specific context and help you boost your admissions.

Remember, every child who joins your school community is a life you have the opportunity to positively impact. By effectively showcasing what your school offers through your digital presence, you’re not just increasing numbers – you’re opening doors for more children to benefit from the excellent education you provide.